Chicago Public Schools—Network 9

In December 2022, Bronzeville Classical School hosted students from throughout CPS Network 9 for a day of neuroscience exploration. About 120 students, grades 6-8, from across 13 schools attended the event. The event was featured in the AANS Neurosurgeon, highlighting the potential impact that educational events on diversifying the medical workforce.

The event began with a presentation by Dr. Aruna Ganju, a spine surgeon and founder of Project Synapse. Dr. Ganju introduced students to the nervous system, highlighting different functions and showcasing various neurosurgical interventions. At the end of the presentations, students heard from Mr. Neels de Coning, a previous patient of Dr. Ganju’s. Mr. de Coning highlighted his experience suffering from a cervical spinal cord injury and his journey relearning how to move his body, walk and regain normal function. Dr. de Coning discussed the incredible impact that the medical providers had on his life, from physicians to nurses to therapists. He encouraged students to follow their dreams, showcasing how if you set your mind to something, anything is possible.

Hands-On Learning

After the presentation, students rotated through four stations, participating in hands-on activities to learn more about the nervous system.

Brain and Skull

Dr. Ashley Selner taught students about the brain Through various models, students explored the brain, learning about its functions, how it is protected, and what happens when it is injured.

Reflex Arcs

Dr. Aaron Palmer taught students about reflex arcs. Students were gifted a Project Synapse reflex hammer and taught how to test reflexes. This allowed student to see the nervous system in action.

Autonomic Nervous System

Yoga teacher Ms. Danielle Gordon led students through breathing exercises, demonstrating how the breath impacts the nervous system.

Spinal Cord and Column

Rya Muller taught students about the spinal column and cord using models. Students also learned strategies for spine health maintenance.

Student Thoughts