
Student Testimonials

“I was surprised by Dr. Ganju. She was so good—like good enough to make me rethink my entire major and future. I will remember her story about the mother who went through a gazillion years of med school to eventually become a neurosurgeon. Dr. Ganju said this shows how all it takes is one thing that sticks with you (big or small) to dedicate yourself to this field.”

-Student from Ms. Lesinski’s Mind and Brain Class (Francis W. Parker School)

“I enjoyed the neuroscience event with Project Synapse because it was insightful and interactive! As a high school student interested in pursuing a major in neuroscience, I appreciated learning about how neurosurgeons in the medical field seek their work and their interactions with patients. I liked listening to the speaker who had recovered from an injury because he talked about how surgery saved his life and how he can look forward to the future.”

-Students from Illinois Science and Math Academy (IMSA)

“The Project Synapse event was incredibly informative, giving insight as to why people study neuroscience, the impact neuroscience can have on someone's life, and the different pathways one can take to enter medicine. I especially enjoyed the speaker at the end who detailed his experience with medicine. It was very inspirational and taught me that everyone goes at their own pace on their medical journey. “

-Students from Illinois Science and Math Academy (IMSA)

Educator Testimonials

“We thoroughly enjoyed the day! The patient's contribution really made the work come to life. His testimony was a powerful piece. Many of the schools and students are eager for additional opportunities to expand their learning.”

-Deputy Patrica Harper Reynolds (CPS Network 9)

“What an incredible initiative Project Synapse is doing. I really thought the event was great! Very thoughtful, well rounded in topics. The kids seemed to enjoy it and become energized by it which is always a great sign! The energy of the day really felt electric and the teams passion really came through!”

-Ms. Danielle Gordon

“If it makes a difference in one person’s life, it is worth it.”

-Mr. Neels de Coning