Francis W. Parker High School

In November 2022, Dr. Aruna Ganju visited Ms. Bridget Lesinski’s Mind and Body class at Francis Parker High School. During her talk, Dr. Ganju discussed her journey to becoming a neurosurgeon, showing radiographic images and surgical videos.

Before the talk, students were asked to read The Butterfly and the Bell Jar by French journalist Jean-Dominique Bauby. In this memoir, Bauby describes his experience with locked-in syndrome, after a massive stroke left him unable to do anything other than blink. Dr. Ganju discussed consciousness and locked-in syndrome with students, focusing on how Bauby’s memoir demonstrates the complex and intricate nature of the brain.

Dr. Ganju’s talk was featured on the front page of Francis Parker’s newsletter and she was interviewed for an article in the student newspaper. Project Synapse was invited back to speak in Ms. Lesinski’s Mind and Brain class next semester.

  • "I was surprised by Dr. Ganju. She was so good - like good enough to make me rethink my entire major and future. Dr. Ganju showed us how all it takes is one thing (big or small) that sticks with you to dedicate yourself to this field."

    Student in Ms. Lesinski’s Mind and Brain class

  • "One thing I found super interesting was when she showed us real imaging of people’s spines and brains. All we had seen so far was colored diagrams, so seeing the real thing was extremely cool."

    Student in Ms. Lesinski’s Mind and Brain class

Photography by Nick Saracino