Autonomic Nervous System: Breathing

The autonomic nervous system regulates digestion through the production of digestive fluids as well as controlling the storage and release of energy. Therefore, the autonomic nervous system can increase or decrease digestion depending on the current situation.

Sympathetic Nervous System

When activated, the sympathetic nervous system causes digestion to decrease. By decreasing digestion, more energy is available for other processes that are vital for survival during the “flight or flight” response. Additionally, the sympathetic nervous system causes the liver to release stored glucose (energy) so that it can used by other vital organ systems.

Parasympathetic Nervous System

When activated, the parasympathetic nervous system increases digestion as part of the “rest and digest” system. During safe situations, extra energy is no longer needed by other organ systems and can be diverted back to other functions. By increasing digestion, the parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to normal functioning.

Additionally, by increasing digestion, the body stores energy in preparation for another “fight or flight” response.