Patient 1


N.D., a 55-year old gentleman with a history of prior cervical spine surgery, sustained a fall while at home, resulting in the inability to move his arms and legs. After arriving at the hospital, a CT scan of his neck was performed. Medical evaluation led to a diagnosis of a C2-3 fracture and dislocation.

CT of cervical spine


Patient underwent cervical traction and spinal realignment to line up the C2 and C3 bones. In order to stabilize his cervical spine, the patient underwent an internal stabilization from C2-T2, with screws and rods placed on the back of the patient’s cervical spine.

X-ray of cervical spine following cervical traction

X-ray of cervical spine following surgery


Following the surgery, the patient underwent intense physical therapy to relearn how to move his arms and legs. Within 6 weeks of his injury, the patient proudly demonstrated his ability to walk.

Working with Project Synapse

N.D. has attended several Project Synapse events, sharing his story with the students. His main message to students is if you believe in yourself, “you can do anything.”